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Plotly4Nagios - A Graph plugin for nagios monitoring

Plotly4Nagios is a nagios plugin to display the performance data in Graph. It uses the RRD database provided by pnp4nagios and visualize it in interactive graph format using plotly javascript. The first pre-release is published today in github and here is the installation document. You can experiment it and report the issue/feedback for further enhancement.

Plotly4Nagios is accepted and listed under official nagios addons

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    notes_url /plotly4nagios/plotly4nagios.html?host=\$HOSTNAME\$&srv=_HOST_
    notes_url /plotly4nagios/plotly4nagios.html?host=\$HOSTNAME$&srv=\$SERVICEDESC$

Installation with docker(Ubuntu image)

git clone https://github.com/vigneshragupathy/plotly4nagios.git
cd plotly4nagios
docker build -t plotly4nagios .
docker run -it --name plotly4nagios -p 80:80 plotly4nagios

Alternatively direct pull and run from docker hub.

docker run -d -p 80:80 --name plotly4nagios vigneshragupathy/plotly4nagios

Open from the browser and view the application at http://localhost/nagios

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'Dark mode'


Copyright 2020-2021 © Vignesh Ragupathy. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT License

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